


About Company

IDC Holding, Inc. is the leader on the Slovak confectionery market. Its competitors are the world's largest food companies. Modern history of the company dates back to 1992, when it was in Prague based company IDC, Ltd. (Investment Development Company). In the same year the company privatized Pečivárne Sered and then in 1993 the state enterprise Figaro Trnava. The company is based on more than 100 years old tradition of Figaro Trnava and 60 years old tradition of Bakery pastry production in Sered. SEDITA brand is the customer's guarantee of stable and high quality products. The most famous products are undoubtedly Horalky, Tatranky, Mila, Mata, Lina, Kávenky, Kakaové rezy. The key to the high quality production is established based on natural ingredients, traditional recipes and modern technology. The products are tested and developed in our own laboratories.


The beginnings of industrial  bakery production  in Slovakia have been linked to many productions in several craft workshops  and smaller businesses, neither of which the  bakery was their main activity. 1.1.1953 was created a national enterprise, Slovak pastry production in Sered. High quality biscuits as a supplementary range of food products have gradually gained favor with buyers. In 1962, therefore, in Sered was built  a new bakery plant.  The aim was to build a plant to meet the growing needs of consumers, as well as increasing concentration and specialization of production and the abolition of inefficient establishments. Varied assortment of waffles, biscuits, gingerbread and biscuits was  produced in Sered factory under the brand Pecivarne Sered. In 2000, the company held a logo redesign and previously used brand Pečivárne Sered gradually began to be replaced by the new brand SEDITA. 

Brand's region: Podunajsko

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